菁致讲坛- From photocatalysis to photon-phonon co-driven catalysis: a new concept to intensify the renewable energy utilisation



From photocatalysis to photon-phonon co-driven catalysis: a new concept to intensify the renewable energy utilisation


Prof. Junwang Tang (唐军旺 教授)










Solar energy, as the most abundant renewable energy source, holds the promise of a sustainable economy. It contains both UV-visible photons and IR photons. The former can directly produce charge carriers in a catalyst to activate molecules and the later can be converted to phonons to heat the catalyst. CH4 activation is energy intensive and kinetically very sluggish so that methane activation is regarded as the “holy grail” in the catalytically chemical process, similar to water splitting. Photocatalysis itself provides a cost-efficient potential to activation of such small molecules under very mild conditions, while the low conversion is a huge challenge for photocatalysis.Stimulated by our early research outcomes on the charge dynamics and atomic photocatalysis, which reveal that the low reaction efficiency is due to fast charge recombination, large bandgap of a semiconductor and shallow light penetration depth. One typical strategy has been employed to somehow overcome these barriers, which is tocouple photons with phonons (the concept of photon-phonon co-driven catalysis) to activate these molecules. Two examples have been used to demonstrate the effectiveness of this new concept. One is catalytic methane conversion to C2+over Au loaded TiO2, achieving the benchmark results in this area. The other is H2 production from methanol/water conversion, leading to nearly 100% quantum efficiency.


Tang Junwang (唐军旺)教授,欧洲科学院院士(The Academy of Europe, 英国科学院-利弗休姆资深研究员, 比利时欧洲科学院院士 (European Academy of Sciences), 英国皇家化学会会士, 国际材料和矿物协会会士和中国化学会名誉会士。曾任伦敦大学学院大学材料中心主任,化学工程系材料化学和材料工程主席教授,中国国家高层次人才,教育部长江讲座教授,全英华人正教授协会副主席等。目前是清华大学化工系工业催化中心主任,清华大学首任碳中和讲席教授,同时是伦敦大学学院客座教授,欧美同学会15名海外理事之一。

Tang教授开创性的耦合光催化和热催化活化小分子(H2ON2CH4CO2)来实现可再生能源的转化和存储为氢能,绿氨和绿醇,以及微波催化来循环固废塑料。同时致力于用时间分辨光谱研究光和热耦合催化的机理。迄今已在国际杂志Nature Catalysis, Nature Energy, Nature Materials, Nature Reviews Materials, Nature Sustainability 等能源和化学领域期刊共发表了>250篇文章,授权/申请15项专利, 也多次被评为科睿唯安高被引科学家 (cross-field)。同时是5个国际杂志的编辑或者副主编,包括Applied Catalysis BChin J. Catal.EES Solar。获得多个国际大奖,包括:国际化学工程协会2022油气转化大奖(IChemE Oil and Gas Global Awards),2021 国际化工协会Andrew奖章( IChemE Andrew Medal, 全球每3年评选一位在多相催化方面的获奖者),2021 皇家化学协会RSC Corday-Morgan Prize (每年全球评选3名,迄今唯一的亚裔获得者), 2021 皇家科学院Royal Society-Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellow(全英国每年7名); 2021 IChemE Innovative Product Award等。