

姓名:徐晓嵘 教授

单位:中国科学技术大学 苏州高等研究院



研究领域包括生物医学光学影像与手术导航、微纳米药物包裹以及生物医学三维打印, 已承担了包括国家基金委重大仪器研制专项在内的国内外研究项目二十多项,在高影响力SCI期刊上发表了一百多篇学术论文, 研究成果被《Columbus CEO》杂志专题报道,被评为年度十大最优秀的俄亥俄人物及两大科研明星(唯一的获奖华人), 获得了Wallace H. Coulter转化医学青年成就奖,俄亥俄州年度TechColumbus 发明家奖以及 “Lumbley Research Award”等学术奖项。


  1. M. Zhang, S. Wang,  Y. Zhu, Z. Zhu, T. Si,  R.X. Xu*, “Programmable dynamic interfacial spinning of bioinspired microfibers with volumetric encoding”, Materials Horizons81756-1768 (2021).

  2. S. Wang, Z. Zhu, C. Ma, R. Qiao, C. Yang, R.X. Xu, T. Si,  “Generation of non-spherical liquid metal microparticles with tunable shapes exhibiting electrostatic- responsive performance”. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 13 (14): 16677-16687 (2021).

  3. W. Xu, H. Zheng, Y. Liu, X. Zhou, C. Zhang, Y. Song, X. Deng, M. Leung, Z. Yang, R. X. Xu, Z. L. Wang, X. C. Zeng and Z. Wang, "A droplet-based electricity generator with high instantaneous power density," Nature (2020).

  4. F. Huang, Z. Zhu, Y. Niu, Y. Zhao, T. Si*, and R. X. Xu*, "Coaxial oblique interface shearing: tunable generation and sorting of double emulsions for spatial gradient drug release," Lab on a Chip 20(7), 1249-1258 (2020).

  5. Z. Zhu, Q. Wu, S. Han, W. Xu, F. Zhong, S. Yuan, P. Dwivedi, T. Si and R. X. Xu*, "Rapid production of single-and multi-compartment polymeric microcapsules in a facile 3D microfluidic process for magnetic separation and synergistic delivery," Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 275(190-198 (2018).